Choose the right plan and enjoy your teaching!
For tutoring companies & other institutions
Custom pricing
Centralized Account Management
Branded Virtual Classroom
Scheduling Manager
Payroll Management
Tutor Management
Client Management
Let's Compare
/month, billed yearly
/month, billed yearly
Students' number
Students' Attention Tracker
Students' Access Control
Online Classroom Management
Video Conferencing
Content Import
Import PDF
Export PDF
Math & Science Whiteboard
Personalized Onboarding
Dedicated Customer Success Manager
Use on Any Device
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Do my students have to pay too?
No. Only hosts pay for the app. Staying on a free plan students can always have basic access to your boards unless they want access to the paid features themselves. Anyone on a free account can still join a board that you create or a call that you start.
Can I try the Premium features before purchasing a subscription?
Yes! We provide a 14-day free trial option so that you are able to test all the features without further commitments.
How do payments and billing work?
For Web app: When activating a subscription you will be asked to provide your name and address for card billing purposes, and then add a credit/debit card to complete your payment. All payments will be handled by Stripe (one of the largest online payment providers in the world). We will not handle or store your card details, they are inputted securely through encryption into Stripe. Once you have paid, your calendar monthly/yearly billing cycle will begin and you will be charged the same amount monthly/yearly on the same day of the month as you subscribed to the plan. In the "My Account" section, you will be able to upgrade or downgrade your plan at any time, cancel your subscription at any time, or change your card if you have payment problems. For Mobile app: When choosing a plan from your mobile app, you already have your card account attached to your Google Play or Apple accounts. On the payment date, your card will be automatically debited by the amount of the service fee.
Can I cancel my subscription at any time?
Yes. Simply hit the Cancel Plan button in My Accounts and at the end of the month, your account will revert back to a free account. You will not lose access to your boards and recordings.
Are there any hidden fees or taxes?
No, there are no hidden fees. However, Google Play and App Store may have a bit different currency calculations and taxes per country.
If I don’t want to pay will I lose my account and boards?
No. You can cancel your plan at any time or just choose the free one. This will keep all your boards and they will continue to be accessible as they always did, you just cannot create new boards, recordings, calls, folders, and groups anymore.